Discover the Art of Voices training

Facilitate creative methods of support

Course curriculum

The Art of Voices online training has several sections.

    1. Welcome to the Art of Voices online course - Dobrodošli na online kurs "Umjetnost glasova"

    2. Where are you from? - U kojem gradu ili zemlji živite?

    1. Intro

    2. The Hearing Voices Movement - Pokret čujenja glasova

    3. The power of peer support - Moć vršnjačke podrške

    4. Resources - Resursi

    5. What have you learnt? - Šta ste naučili?

    1. Intro

    2. Primary concepts we use in our work - Primarni koncepti koje koristimo u svom radu

    3. Primary concepts we use in our work - Primarni koncepti koje koristimo u svom radu

    4. Primary concepts we use in our work - Primarni koncepti koje koristimo u svom radu

    5. Primary concepts we use in our work - Primarni koncepti koje koristimo u svom radu

    6. Primary concepts we use in our work - Primarni koncepti koje koristimo u svom radu

    7. Primary concepts we use in our work - Primarni koncepti koje koristimo u svom radu

    8. Primary concepts we use in our work - Primarni koncepti koje koristimo u svom radu

    9. Primary concepts we use in our work - Primarni koncepti koje koristimo u svom radu

    10. Proposals - Prijedlozi

    11. Proposals - Prijedlozi

    12. Proposals - Prijedlozi

    13. Proposals - Prijedlozi

    14. Proposals - Prijedlozi

    15. What have you learnt? - Šta ste naučili?

    1. Learning aims and outcomes - Ciljevi i ishodi učenja

    2. Introduction - Uvod

    3. Principles to remember during a workshop - Principi koje je dobro imati na umu tokom radionice

    4. Art as a communication channel - Umetnost kao kanal komunikacije

    5. Workshop experience - Iskustvo sa radionice

    6. Art workshop use - Korisnost art radionica

    7. Art materials - Umetnički materijali

    8. Fear of the blank paper - Strah od praznog papira

    9. Making symbols - Izrada simbola

    10. An example of a symbol - Primer simbola

    11. First part of the workshop - Prvi deo radionice

    12. Second part of the workshop - Drugi deo radionice

    13. Historical choice - Istorijski izbor

    14. Personal meanings - Lična značenja

    15. Interactions among participants - Međusobna interakcija

    16. Reflections during group work - Refleksije tokom grupnog rada

    17. Final reflections - Završne refleksije

    18. Case study - Studija slučaja

    19. Resources - Dodatni resursi

    20. What have you learnt? - Šta ste naučili

    1. Learning aims and outcomes - Ciljevi i ishodi učenja

    2. Introduction

    3. Uvod - Opis Projekta

    4. Sensory Integration

    5. Cabaret Primjer

    6. Playing A Role In Certain Energies (with examples)

    7. Zašto Drama u oporavku

    8. Mirroring

    9. Koje Glumačke Tehnike Koristimo

    10. The Mask

    11. Kreiranje Lika Prema Energijama

    12. Screenwriting And Directing

    13. Organizing A Play

    14. Case studies

    15. What have you learnt? - Šta ste naučili?

    1. Learning aims and outcomes - Ciljevi i ishodi učenja

    2. Introduction - Uvod

    3. Introductory remarks - Uvodne napomene

    4. A circle - Krug

    5. What is literature? - Šta je književnost?

    6. Share with us - Podijelite sa nama

    7. Short writing exercise: warming up - Kratka vježba pisanja: zagrijavanje

    8. Short writing exercise - Kratka vježba pisanja

    9. Guided writing exercise (part 1) - Vježba vođenog pisanja (1 dio)

    10. Guided writing exercise (part 2) - Vježba vođenog pisanja (2 dio)

    11. Vježba vođenog pisanja (3 dio)

    12. Guided writing excercise (part 3) - english language

    13. Reflections - Refleksije

    14. Final reflection - Završna refleksija

    15. Additional suggesstion - Dodatni prijedlog

    16. Experiences from the training - Iskustva sa treninga

    17. End of the literature module - Završetak modula književnosti

    18. What have you learnt? - Šta ste naučili?

    19. Congratulations - Čestitamo

You can choose which order to complete the training, but we suggest you start from the beginning.

  • Free
  • 76 lessons
  • 2.5 hours of video content